Galt Adventist® School

I can learn about the world around me, so I can live a life that empowers others.
>Welcome >About Us >50 Year Anniversary

50 Year Anniversary

2024 Marks the 50th Anniversary of Galt Adventist School

Galt Adventist School started in 1974. The church was heavily involved and certain individuals with expertise in drawing up plans (Harry Suckut), building, plumbing, electrical, etc. Our first classroom met in Sabbath School rooms during the week for 7 years during the building process. Devon and Norma Nieman were our first teachers. Lester and Leona Bennett were our pastoral team. We have had 25 different teachers; including Mrs. Willis, Mrs. Lalas, and Ms. Elias.

We have graduated 176 students. We had two years where there were no graduates - (1994 & 2001). The largest class was in 1980 when 11 8th graders graduated. In 1989 we had 9 graduates.

Thanks goes to so many for the dream and then working to accomplish it.

One name stands out along with his forever partner. That is Louis and Noellene Pullen. We appreciate and recognize your vision, time and labor. 


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